Application Process of 2022 – Dokuz Eylul University International Student Admission Exam (DEYOS)

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 01-04-2022

Applications for 2022-Dokuz Eylul University International Student Admission Exam (DEYOS) will be accepted between 11-28 April 2022.


DEYOS will be held face-to-face at Tınaztepe Campus in İzmir on May 28, 2022 at 11:00, with a printed question booklet and answer key under the supervision of a supervisor, as it is every year.


Click here for the “Dokuz Eylul University International Student Admission Application and Examination Calendar”


Please read carefully the application conditions before starting application process. Click here for the application conditions.


Before applying to DEYOS, you must pay the DEYOS exam fee. DEYOS Exam Fee is 500 TL. Click for detailed information.



Every candidate who pays the DEYOS exam fee will have the right to participate in DEYOS. It is their own responsibility whether the candidates meet the conditions for student admission from abroad. Being given the right to participate in DEYOS does not mean that the application condition is met. Candidates who do not meet the application requirements will not be placed and registered.


Click here for the “Application and Preference Guide” prepared to assist you in the application process


Matters to be Considered in the Application Process:

  1. Turkish characters (ç, ğ, ı, ö, ş, ü) should not be used in the e-mail address entered when creating a user (Example: should not be written). In addition, the e-mail address must be an active and valid address.
  2. Each candidate must read the explanations on the 6th and 7th pages of the “Application and Preference Guide” before creating a user (the candidate with a TR ID number must do the procedures on the 6th page of the “Application and Preference Guide”).
  3. Before starting the application process, each candidate must read the explanations on the 12th and 13th pages of the “Application and Preference Guide” about which option to choose for the application condition.
  4. Each candidate is required to upload the proving document of the option he has chosen in accordance with his situation, to the system for the application condition document. The explanations on the 14th, 15th and 16th pages of the “Application and Preference Guide” about the document to be uploaded must be read.
  5. While paying the DEYOS exam fee, the name of the candidate must be written on the receipt.
  6. Make sure to click on the “Add/Update Application” button in the application form. Otherwise, your application will not be completed.
  7. Make sure that your application is complete and correct by logging in repeatedly during the application process and checking your information and documents.


Click here for the DEYOS exam information


Click here for the DEYOS sample questions


Online Application (will be active on April 11, 2022)


Admission quotas for international students will be announced after approval by the Council of Higher Education.


Click here for the tuition fees for the 2022-2023 academic year (Tuition fees can be changed in accordance with the President’s Decision on tuition fees for the 2022-2023 academic year. In case of an increase in the tuition fees, the missing fees will be collected from the students separately.)

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