2024 – Application Process of International Student Admission at Associate’s/Bachelor’s Degree

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 14-06-2024

Applications via exams/diplomas accepted by the University Senate will be received between June, 24-July, 8 2024.

Dokuz Eylul University does not have a representative or office in any city in the country or in any country abroad. Dokuz Eylul University does not authorize any institution, organization or person to apply, make, receive or reach students for international student admissions on behalf of the University. Candidates must apply individually. Please do not give credit to individuals or companies that claim to be authorized in this matter and present themselves as the representatives of Dokuz Eylul University. All information about the application is available on our websites. University will not be responsible for any problems that may arise.


Applications will only be received online and applications will not be accepted in person, by mail or e-mail. You do not need to send any printed documents for the application.


Click here for the “Dokuz Eylul University International Student Admission Application, Placement, Enrollment Calendar”


Please read carefully the application conditions before starting application process.


Click here for the list of exams/diplomas accepted by the University Senate


Click here for the 2024-2025 academic year international student admission quotas & requirements and explanations


Click here for tuition fees for the 2024-2025 academic year

(The Presidential Decree on tuition fees for the 2024-2025 academic year has not yet been published in the Official Gazette, and the table will be updated in case of a change in tuition fees.)


Click for Application and Preference Guide


Click for Online Application


Dokuz Eylul University provides education in 10 campuses with 18 Faculties, 2 Schools, 1 Conservatory, 6 Vocational Schools and 7 Graduate Schools. It is beneficial for the candidates to review the information about our campuses before making a choice.


Click for information about our campuses


Important Information About The Talent Exam:

Candidates who want to study in programs that accept students with the result of the Talent Exam must also complete the application and preference procedures. However, no central placement will be made for these candidates, and the candidates whose applications are accepted are subjected to the talent exam of the relevant faculty/school. Candidates who are successful in the Talent Exam are enrolled.


Click here for the Programs Which Accept Students Via Talent Exam Results


(*) “Talent Exam” application, exam and enrollment schedule and explanations table will be announced later on http://www.deu.edu.tr and http://deyos.deu.edu.tr


Documents Required To Be Uploaded To The System In Application:

1. Original Exam Result Report/Diploma:

It is requested to upload the original exam result document/diploma in PDF format to the system which is in the list of exams/diplomas accepted by the University Senate and declared in the application form.


All candidates must also upload the original high school diploma or provisional graduation certificate (Senior high school students who will apply with a document that has the status of a university entrance exam must upload the original student certificate).


TR-YÖS result document must include a verification address and verification code. Document verification cannot be done for applications with SAT and ACT, and conditional admission of candidates will be made if the document declared by the candidates meets the minimum criteria. However, the candidate who is entitled to enroll with these two documents will be requested to verify the exam result via the official internet addresses https://www.collegeboard.org for SAT and https://www.act.org for ACT, and if the verification process cannot be performed, the candidate will not be enrolled.


Candidates who are successful by applying with a falsified document (a document that has been changed/added) or a fake document will not be enrolled if this situation is detected, even if they have gained the right to enroll. Those who are found to be in these situations after enrollment will be dismissed within the framework of the relevant legal legislation, regardless of the stages of their education.


2. Exam Result Report/Diploma Translation:

The original Turkish or English translation of the declared exam result document/diploma certified by official authorities (Turkish Consulate, notary public, sworn translator) is requested to be uploaded to the system in PDF format. (Applicants who apply with an English exam result document such as SAT, ACT, etc. or TR-YÖS must upload the same document again in this field.) (In case of gaining the right to enroll, only the Turkish translation of the exam result document/diploma is accepted. (except SAT, ACT, TR-YÖS))


All applicants must upload the original Turkish or English translation of their high school diploma or the original Turkish or English translation of their provisional graduation certificate. (High school seniors who will apply with a document that has the status of a university entrance exam must upload the original Turkish or English translation of their student certificate) (Except for applicants who completed their secondary education in Türkiye)


All pages of the translation documents must be certified by the competent authorities. Unapproved translations will not be accepted. Any statement that is not included in the original document must not be included in the translation of the document in question.


3. Transcript:

It is requested that the original copy of the certified transcript taken from the high school be uploaded to the system in PDF format and original copy of the Turkish or English translation approved by the official authorities (Turkish Consulate, notary public, sworn translator).


4. Passport/ID:

It is requested that the scanned version of the passport or the page of the Temporary Protection Identity Document containing the photo identification information be uploaded to the system in PDF format.


5. Photograph:

The candidate is required to add a digital copy of his/her photo to this area. This photo must be official and passport size photo format (4,5 cm x 6 cm) taken with an uncovered face and should be taken in the last 6 (six) months having the applicant clearly recognizable in the photo. The photo uploaded by the candidate will be displayed in this area when clicking on the “Dosya Seç (Select File)” button. The photo must be in jpg format. (Please do not use any pale, dark photos taken from far distance with any accessories such as sunglasses, etc.)



The photo uploaded to the system during the application will be used in our University’s Student Information System and “Student Identity Card”, and each candidate must upload a passport size photo taken from the front, as in the sample photos below.

When the candidate uploads his/her photo to the system, he/she must take care that his/her photo is in the correct position.

6. Application Condition Document:

You must upload the documents in the PDF format required by the application condition you selected and which are listed below.

  • Candidates who are foreign nationals or Heimatlosis (stateless people) must upload their passport’s first page (personal information page) or ID or “Temporary Protection Identity Card”. (File size must be less than 5 MB and file extension must be in PDF format.)

  • Candidates who have the Document of Renunciation of Turkish Citizenship or “Blue ID” must upload their Document of Renunciation of Turkish Citizenship or Certificate of Naturalisation (Documents taken from E-Devlet service are valid) (Date of renunciation of Turkish Citizenship must be specified on the document) or Blue ID. (Files must be combined into 1 single file for the reason that only 1 file can be uploaded. File size must be less than 5 MB and file extension must be in PDF format.)

  • Those who are foreign citizens that passed to Turkish citizenship by acquired citizenship/being dual citizens in this case, except those with natural born Turkish citizenship must upload Certificate of Naturalisation (Candidate’s mother’s, father’s and own citizenship information must also be provided in the Certificate of Naturalisation) (Date of taking Turkish Citizenship must definitely be specified in the document) (File size must be less than 5 MB and file extension must be in PDF format.)

  • TR Citizens Who Completed All Their Secondary Education (High School) in a Foreign Country: Candidates who have Turkish nationality and who have completed all their secondary education (high school) in a foreign country other than TRNC (including those who have completed all secondary education (high school) in Turkish Schools established by the Ministry of Education in a foreign country other than TRNC), must upload High School Diploma or Graduation Certificate and transcript/approved document (Documents proving that the candidate has studied the entire high school abroad (Transcripts, report cards, State Entry/Exit Document obtained from the Department of Combating Immigrant Smuggling and Border Gates etc.)) ( Original Diploma/Graduation Certificate and approved Turkish translation document (Date of enrolment and education period must definitely be specified in the document.)) (Transcript or approved document taken from graduated high school which proves that the candidate completed all of his/her secondary education (high school) in a foreign country and its approved Turkish translation.) (Files must be combined into 1 file because only 1 file can be uploaded. File size must be less than 5 MB and file extension must be in PDF format.)


  Situations To Be Considered In The Application Process:

  • An e-mail address will be requested from the candidate on the user creation screen. This e-mail address must belong to the candidate. In addition, since the candidate will be contacted through this e-mail address at every stage, it is recommended that the candidate obtain a simple e-mail address specific to this application and use it actively. Since e-mail addresses are used in the application, placement and registration processes, it is important for the candidates not to share their e-mail addresses and passwords with anyone for their own safety.
  • Turkish characters (ç, ğ, ı, ö, ş, ü) should not be used in the e-mail address entered when creating a user (Example: gmail.com should not be written). In addition, the e-mail address must be an active and valid address. Care should be taken to ensure that the user password is a simple and memorable one.
  • The application process is individual and each candidate will fill in the required information in the application and upload the documents to the system.
  • Applications made with documents other than the documents included in the exams/diplomas list accepted by the University Senate will not be accepted.
  • Each candidate can apply only once. If more than one application is made, the other applications of the person will be cancelled.
  • Candidates can only apply with one of the exam or diploma scores.
  • Preferences will also be taken during the application process, and each candidate must make at least 1 choice in order to be evaluated (There is a maximum of 5 choices). The order of preference has priority in placement. Therefore, the candidate should pay attention to the order of preference. The order of preference cannot be changed after the application process is over.
  • Candidates will be able to choose the relevant programs in line with the minimum criteria determined by the University Senate, and no candidate will be able to choose a program that does not meet the minimum criteria. The placement of a candidate who is found to prefer a program that does not meet the minimum criteria will not be made.
  • The candidate is responsible for the accuracy of all information entered in the application form and the accuracy of all uploaded documents during the application process. The application of the candidate who has incomplete and/or incorrect information or documents will be rejected.
  • The originals of all the documents uploaded for the application will be requested during your enrollment to the University.
  • Candidates who have chosen a high school diploma or a document with the status of a high school graduation exam accepted by the University Senate, but have not graduated yet, will not have a finalized graduation grade yet and their applications will not be converted to the basis of evaluation, so their applications will be rejected.
  • The University Entrance Examination (SAT, ACT, etc.) result document of the candidate who has the right to enroll will be verified during enrollment. If the document cannot be verified, enrollment will not be made.
  • TR nationals or dual nationals those his/her first nationality TR by birth, those who completed all of the secondary education (high school) in a foreign country except TRNC;
    • Applications of candidates who have received a diploma from a high school abroad through distance education without being abroad will not be accepted.
    • Candidates who hold a diploma from a high school abroad through formal education will be requested to prove their passport or security records and their entry and exit to the country where the diploma was received, and if a conflict is detected between the duration of the high school education and the entry-exit dates to the relevant country, the applications of the relevant candidates will not be accepted.
  • Make sure to click on the “Add/Update Application” button in the application form. Otherwise, your application will not be completed.
  • Make sure that your application is complete and correct by logging in repeatedly during the application process and checking your information and documents.
  • Terminating the application means accepting that the information provided is complete and correct. It is the candidate’s own responsibility whether the documents are complete or not. Applications with missing documents will not be evaluated. Applications of candidates who do not meet the application requirements will not be considered.
  • Candidates who are successful by applying with incomplete, misleading, misrepresented and falsified documents (documents with changes/additions) or fake documents will not be enrolled if this situation is detected, even if they have gained the right to enroll. Those who are found to be in these situations after enrollment will be dismissed within the framework of the relevant legal legislation, regardless of the stages of their education.



Applications are evaluated by the commission established within our University.


Applications of candidates who do not meet the application requirements will not be considered.


The applications of the candidates are evaluated by the commission and finalized as “accepted” or “rejected”.


The scores/grades of the candidates whose applications are accepted are converted to the 100 system according to the formula below and the score based on placement is determined.


a= (100 – 50) / (USmax – USmin)

b= 100 – (a x USmax)

YEP= b + (a x ÖSP)


USmax: The highest score of the international exam/diploma or TR-YÖS

USmin: 50% of the highest score of the international exam or TR-YÖS, the lowest passing grade of the diploma or high school graduation exam

ÖSP: Student’s international exam/diploma or TR-YÖS score

YEP: Placement test/diploma score


The evaluation list of the candidates whose applications are accepted is formed by ranking their scores based on placement from the highest to the lowest.



Meeting the application requirements does not give the right to be placed in the program. In the placement process of candidates, the high score, order of preference and the number of candidates of the same nationality admitted to a program are taken into consideration. The number of candidates who have the right to enroll from the same nationality cannot exceed 20% of the total quota of the relevant program.


If the scores of the candidates are equal, the order of preference is given first, and if the equality continues, the candidate with the younger age is given priority.


Candidates who are placed in our university can get a “Placement Result Certificate” from https://ogrbasvuru.deu.edu.tr/Yos/dogrulama_index.php. This document replaces the “Letter of Acceptance” and can be verified at https://ogrbasvuru.deu.edu.tr/Yos/dogrulama_index.php with a verification code. Candidates can obtain a visa by going to the Turkish Embassy in their country with this document.


Note: Equivalency Certificate for high school education is not required from the applicants for the application and Equivalency Certificate is one of the documents required for final registration. The Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Türkiye has the sole discretion to issue the Equivalency Certificate in Türkiye. Diploma equivalence procedures take a very long time due to the high number of people in provincial and district Directorates of National Education. Therefore, candidates are advised to obtain their diploma equivalence certificates from the Turkish Embassy or Turkish Consulate in their country. For detailed information, please visit https://edenklik.meb.gov.tr.
