Evaluation of the applications and placement procedures of candidates who want to study at the associate or undergraduate degree within the quotas for international student admission at our university are carried out by the relevant Commission according to Exam for Foreign Students for Higher Education in Türkiye (TR-YOS) conducted by the Centre for Assessment, Selection and Placement (OSYM) or the exam score/diploma grade result accepted by the University Senate.


According to the decision of the Council of Higher Education Presidency regarding the results of international examinations; there is no limitation with respect to the validity period of the exams (Abitur, International Baccalaureate, GCE, Tawjihi, etc.) which are in the status of high school graduation examinations (Maturita). However the validity period of the exams (TR-YOS, SAT, ACT etc.) which are in the status of university entrance examination is 2 (two) years.


Applicants must read the application conditions carefully before applying.


Applications are free of charge.


Please view “Dokuz Eylul University Admission Directive for Students From Abroad” for more information about international student admission.

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