2023 – Dokuz Eylul University International Student Admission Exam (DEYOS) Fee


Candidate who will apply to DEYOS must pay an exam fee, which is 800 TL, determined by the decision of the Executive Board of our University.


Exam fee will not be refunded at any circumstances after the application has been submitted. (This issue should be considered before paying the exam fee)


Payment can be made at any branch of the Ziraat Bank with cash or via EFT/Remittance stating your name and surname. (Name and surname given upon application must match those on the bank receipt)


Payment of “DEYOS Exam Fee” must be in Turkish Lira (TL). Exam fee should not be paid by other countries’ currencies (USD, EURO, etc.).


Bank Information:


Bank Name T.C. Ziraat Bankası
Branch Name İzmir Girişimci Şubesi
Account Name DEYOS Sınav Ücreti Hesabı
IBAN TR 6200 0100 2616 3771 1729 5281


Please keep your receipt of payment. (In case of any problem, you will be asked to provide the receipt)


We will confirm your payment after checking your payment information on our system. Applications by candidates who do not pay the fee will not be taken into consideration.

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