Talent Exams Schedule and Explanations in 2023-2024 Academic Year

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 12-06-2023

Candidates who applied to our university in the 1st Application Period and 2nd Application Period (DEYOS) for the international student admission, those who preferred the programs that accept students with a talent exam, must take the talent exam to be held by the relevant faculty/school in order to gain the right to enroll in these programs, and they must be successful. For this reason, it is obligatory for the candidates to apply to the relevant faculty/school within the application dates included in the talent exam calendar.


Click for Programs Accepting Students with Special Talent Exam Results


Click for Special Talent Exams Schedule and Explanations


Candidates who will apply to our university in the 3rd Application Period for the international student admission, those who will prefer the programs that accept students with a talent exam, must take the talent exam to be held by the relevant faculty/school in order to gain the right to enroll in these programs, and they must be successful. For this reason, it is obligatory for the candidates to apply to the relevant faculty/school within the application dates included in the talent exam calendar.

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