2nd Additional Placement Results of 2019 International Student Acceptance

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 18-10-2019

Click here to learn the additional placement results of 2019 international student acceptance

Click here to learn enrollment dates, required documents and explanations

Click here for contract sample which shows that a candidate has income can provide living in Turkey (You have bring this document when you come to enroll)

Click here to learn tuition fees


Acceptance letters are accessable at our web page.

You must sign in with your “Application ID” and “Password” to view your acceptance letter for enrollment from http://debis.deu.edu.tr/DEUWeb/Yos/ address.


  1. Tuition fees will be charged on 21/10/2019 and payments must be made after this date. (Payments will be made to any İş Bankası branch with a student number)
  2. Tuition fees must be paid before entering the information via DEBIS.


In accordance with the relevant regulation and the decision of the Council of Higher Education Executive Board, it is not possible to register for programs at the same level (more than one associate’s degree or more than one bachelor’s degree program) except for open education and distance education programs.

In this respect, students who prefer to enroll in our university are required to delete their registration at previous higher education institutions (except open and distance education programs).

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