2022 – 2nd Application Process of Accepted Exams and Diplomas by the University Senate

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 05-07-2022

2022 – 2nd Applications via accepted exams and diplomas by the University Senate will be taken between 5-18 July, 2022


Click for Online Application



In case of a technical problem on the application screen, a screenshot should be taken and reported at https://bid.deu.edu.tr/teknik-sorun-formu/


Click for Application and Preference Guide



Applications for international student admission are ONLINE and FREE OF CHARGE.

Dokuz Eylul University does not have an agreement with any person, institution or organization (Education institution, consulting firm etc.).

No fee is required from any candidate other than the tuition fee payment to be made to the official account of our University at the time of enrollment, so do not pay any fees to anyone!

Please do not accredit the people who request money by using the name of our University for the application, placement and enrollment procedures!


Click here for the  Dokuz Eylul University International Student Admission Application, Placement, Enrollment Calendar


Please read carefully the application conditions before starting application process.


Click here for the exams and diplomas accepted by the University Senate


International student admission quotas will be announced after approved by the Council of Higher Education.


Click here for the tuition fees for the 2022-2023 academic year


Situations to be Considered in the Application Process:

  1. Turkish characters (ç, ğ, ı, ö, ş, ü) should not be used in the e-mail address typed when creating a user (Example: gmaıl.com should not be written). In addition, the e-mail address must be an active and valid address.
  2. Applications made with documents other than the exams and diplomas accepted by the University Senate will not be accepted.
  3. The applicant’s graduation grade must be included in the document who apply via diploma from the table of accepted exams and diplomas by the University Senate.
  4. T.R. nationals or dual nationals those his/her first nationality T.R. by birth, those who completed all of the secondary education (high school) in a foreign country except T.R.N.C.;
    • Applications of candidates who have received a diploma from a high school abroad through distance education without being abroad will not be accepted.
    • Candidates who hold a diploma from a high school abroad through formal education will be requested to prove their passport or security records and their entry and exit to the country where the diploma was received, and if a conflict is detected between the duration of the high school education and the entry-exit dates to the relevant country, the applications of the relevant candidates will not be accepted.
  5. Make sure to click on the “Add/Update Application” button in the application form. Otherwise, your application will not be completed.
  6. Make sure that your application is complete and correct by logging in repeatedly during the application process and checking your information and documents.

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