2021 – DEYOS Examination Places

Yayınlanma Tarihi: 11-06-2021

Examination places of “Dokuz Eylul University International Student Admission Exam (DEYOS)” which will be held on Friday, June 18, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. have been determined.


You can get your DEYOS examination entrance form from https://ogrbasvuru.deu.edu.tr/Yos/dogrulama_index.php by logging in with the username (e-mail address) and password you specified when creating a user.



It is useful to be at the exam building at least 1 (one) hour before the exam time.


Examination Place and Address: Dokuz Eylül Tınaztepe Campus (Adatepe Mah. Doğuş Cad. Tınaztepe, Buca/İZMİR)



  1. Examination Entrance Form
  2. ID or Passport
  3. Photo
  4. Pencil, rubber and pencil sharpener
  5. Mask


P.S.: While taking the exam, smartwatch, smartphone, tablet, calculator, etc. devices are prohibited.

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